Frosty Homestead – Day 2 through 365

Day 2 to 365

This began only the beginning of what we knew to be hard work.

We won’t bore you with the details.

This was time for a celebration.  We had moved in to our subarctic Alaskan homestead!  We wanted to start exploring Alaska!

Our first stop?  Valdez.  We had to cut Valdez out of our 2014 road trip, so it was absolutely due our investigation.  It was well worth the visit.

This almost completed our Alaskan highway road trip.  From Tok to Fairbanks, Denali to Homer, Seward to Valdez, Valdez to Tok – we had finally driven pretty much all of Alaska’s major highways.

Only the Dalton remains.

There was so much more to explore, though.

Through a series of unexpected and expensive circumstances, we had to acquire a new vehicle shortly after moving into our new home.

This resulted in a rather fortuitous and amazing Alaskan Highway winter drive.

In some ways, a rite of passage.  1,500 miles of snow and ice covered roads through some of the most gorgeous country on earth.

Of course, the explorations of Alaska have continued.  This is why we now live here.  It’s easier to get everywhere in Alaska if you live in Alaska.

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